Flexing Your Passions: The Secret to Getting Hired
February 1, 2024

Flexing Your Passions: The Secret to Getting Hired

Showing what you love in your advertising portfolio will help get you hired in advertising.

Sarah Latz

Job hunting is wild, right?

Especially in advertising. It’s an industry full of incredibly talented, smart job candidates. So if you’re trying to get a job in advertising, how do you stand out to recruiters?  

Here’s the secret:
Going through portfolios is genuinely the best part of a recruiters day. So sprinkle in a bit of your genuine, heart-on-your-sleeve passion, and make sure your portfolio is really a joy to go through.

That’s all. Easier said than done, we know. But if you highlight the things you love into your advertising portfolio. (And into your future work and career, but that’s a discussion for another time!) you’ll give recruiters just one more reason to connect with you, love you and remember your work.

We had a student graduate from book180 who had a killer interview with a hiring manager—all because he featured his grandmother’s Filipino recipes he was cooking in his portfolio. His interviewer happened to be Filipino as well. You never know when these types of synchronicities will happen. Maybe you love Doritos and the agency is gearing up to pitch Doritos. Maybe you’re an activist and the agency is looking for that type of courage on a non-profit account they have.

Passion brings out your authentic self. It's contagious and leaves a lasting impression!

Plus, agencies know true creativity and inspiration isn’t created in a vacuum. Angela Williams, a book180 instructor and an incredible Creative Director, says: Creativity isn’t a magician, she is a hunter. You have to  seek out those insights and find things that give you life outside the office. If an agency thinks you’re a fun, creative person in life, they know you’ll bring that fun and creativity into the office.

Take a minute to watch our latest episode of 2RightAngles.

Mila Ugryn’s book is an incredible example of featuring things you love in your advertising portfolio. Her photography and activism campaigns are only matched in brilliance by her fantastic campaigns. And all the effort doesn’t go unnoticed by reviewers Miki Turner and Nat Loher.

In a nutshell, when you're out there hunting for that dream job, don't forget to let your passions do the talking. Paint a picture of yourself as the one-of-a-kind individual you are, and you’ll be great. And good luck!